Computing stack maps

06 Jul 2024

You are a rank two compiler writer. That is, you can write a C compiler but Go and Scheme are slightly out of reach because the gory details of how to interface the compiler with the garbage collector were left as an exercise… and you prefer couch over exercise.

In this article we will work through some practical problems and their solutions.

The example will be given in structlang, a simple pedagogical language. It does nothing useful other than exercise the semantics we are interested in.

struct Pt { x: int, y: int }
fn f() -> int {
    let a: *Pt = new Pt {1, 2};
    let b: *Pt = new Pt {3, 4};
    a->x + b->y
fn g() -> int {
    let c: *Pt = new Pt {5, 6};
    let d: *Pt = new Pt {7, 8};
    c->y + d->x
fn main() -> int {
    f() + g()

It is useful to plan out what the stack frames will look like during the execution of the program.

After entering main, the stack contains the return address of the caller of main (some function in libc), the saved frame pointer of the caller and the saved value of the callee-saved x19 register; the latter, so that x19 is free to store the result of calling f while g is being called.

                    FP offset
: ...            :
| return addr    |  8
| saved FP       |  0
| spilled x19    | -8
| space to align |  SP

Upon entering f, the address to return to (RA) in main is saved onto the stack along with the current frame pointer (FP)

                    FP offset
: ...            :                      : ...            :
+----------------+          ---->       +----------------+           ·+
| return addr    |  8                   | main caller RA |            :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| saved FP       |  0                   | saved FP       |            main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled x19    | -8                   | spilled regs   |            :
+----------------+                      | in main ...    |            :
| space to align |  SP                  +----------------+           ·+
+----------------+                      | return addr    |  8         :
:                :                      +----------------+            :
.                .                      | saved FP       |  0
.                .                      +----------------+            f
                                        | space for a    | -8
                                        +----------------+            :
                                        | space for b    | -16        :
                                        +----------------+           ·+

The first line in f, let a: *Pt = new Pt {1, 2};, allocates a struct on the heap and assigns a pointer to it to the variable a. After execution of this, the space saved for a is populated with a heap address.

: ...            :          ---->       : ...            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| main caller RA |            :         | main caller RA |            :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| saved FP       |            main      | saved FP       |            main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled regs   |            :         | spilled regs   |            :
| in main ...    |            :         | in main ...    |            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| return addr    |  8         :         | return addr    |  8         :
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| saved FP       |  0                   | saved FP       |  0
+----------------+            f         +----------------+            f
| space for a    | -8                  *| a = 0x1234...  | -8
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| space for b    | -16        :         | space for b    | -16        :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+

After executing the second line, let b: *Pt = new Pt {3, 4};, the space reserved for b now also contains a heap address.

: ...            :          ---->       : ...            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| main caller RA |            :         | main caller RA |            :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| saved FP       |            main      | saved FP       |            main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled regs   |            :         | spilled regs   |            :
| in main ...    |            :         | in main ...    |            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| return addr    |  8         :         | return addr    |  8         :
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| saved FP       |  0                   | saved FP       |  0
+----------------+            f         +----------------+            f
| a = 0x1234...  | -8                   | a = 0x1234...  | -8
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| space for b    | -16        :        *| b = 0x5678...  | -16        :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+

After returning to main, the contents of the stack stay the same, but we have a view shift i.e. the frame and stack pointers are restored and they now point at main’s frame.

: ...            :          ---->       : ...            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| main caller RA |            :         | main caller RA |  8         :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| saved FP       |            main      | main caller FP |  0         main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled regs   |            :         | spilled regs   |            :
| in main ...    |            :         | in main ...    | -16 SP     :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| return addr    |  8         :         | RA for f call  |
+----------------+            :         +----------------+
| saved FP       |  0                   | FP from f call |
+----------------+            f         +----------------+
| a = 0x1234...  | -8                   | 0x1234...      |
+----------------+            :         +----------------+
| b = 0x5678...  | -16        :         | 0x5678...      |
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+

After entering g, space has been reserved for c and d but we see that this space is still populated with values stored there during the execution of f, the addresses that were stored in a and b.

: ...            :          ---->       : ...            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| main caller RA |  8         :         | main caller RA |            :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| main caller FP |  0         main      | main caller FP |            main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled regs   |            :         | spilled regs   |            :
| in main ...    | -16 SP     :         | in main ...    |            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| RA for f call  |                     *| return addr    |  8         :
+----------------+                      +----------------+            :
| FP from f call |                     *| saved FP       |  0
+----------------+                      +----------------+            g
| 0x1234...      |                      | c = 0x1234...  | -8
+----------------+                      +----------------+            :
| 0x5678...      |                      | d = 0x5678...  | -16        :
+----------------+                      +----------------+           ·+

When we come to calculate our stack maps, we must tell the garbage collector that there are no live pointers here at this time.

After executing the line let c: *Pt = new Pt {5, 6}; , the space allocated for c contains a live pointer, and the space for d still contains the invalid junk (the old b).

: ...            :          ---->       : ...            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| main caller RA |            :         | main caller RA |            :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| main caller FP |            main      | main caller FP |            main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled regs   |            :         | spilled regs   |            :
| in main ...    |            :         | in main ...    |            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| return addr    |  8         :         | return addr    |  8         :
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| saved FP       |  0                   | saved FP       |  0
+----------------+            g         +----------------+            g
| c = 0x1234...  | -8                  *| c = 0xcccc...  | -8
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| d = 0x5678...  | -16        :         | d = 0x5678...  | -16        :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+

And finally after executing let d: *Pt = new Pt {7, 8};, the junk in the spot reserved for d is overwritten.

: ...            :          ---->       : ...            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| main caller RA |            :         | main caller RA |            :
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| main caller FP |            main      | main caller FP |            main
+----------------+                      +----------------+
| spilled regs   |            :         | spilled regs   |            :
| in main ...    |            :         | in main ...    |            :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+
| return addr    |  8         :         | return addr    |  8         :
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| saved FP       |  0                   | saved FP       |  0
+----------------+            g         +----------------+            g
| c = 0xcccc...  | -8                   | c = 0xcccc...  | -8
+----------------+            :         +----------------+            :
| d = 0x5678...  | -16        :        *| d = 0xdddd...  | -16        :
+----------------+           ·+         +----------------+           ·+

The program will complete by dereferencing those heap addresses, adding together the values from the fields and then adding that to the result from f. For the sake of this article, however, that work can all be done in registers and so doesn’t affect our stack frames. Actually the spilled registers may be relevant but we’ll come back to them in a future article.

The main problem we want to focus on today is the one of how to tell the garbage collector what is junk and what is not.

fn g() -> int {
    let c: *Pt = new Pt {5, 6};
    let d: *Pt = new Pt {7, 8};
            //   ^-----------^- what if a GC happens during this allocation
    c->y + d->x

Our approach? The first step is to keep a record of defined-variables at each gc-point.

gc-points occur at every function call and every use of the new operator. Why is that? new allocates memory for a struct, and so may require a collection to free up some space on the heap. Any function may also contain uses of new, so any call to one may also result in a collection. It may be possible rule out calls to leaf functions that don’t use new but let’s not worry about that for now.

How do we define defined-variables? Luckily we already have one measure. Variable scoping rules. Any variable that is in scope at the point of the function call or new usage will be live for the purposes of our garbage collector.

Let’s go through our program and work out the defined-variables.

main is rather simple. It has two gc-points, the calls to f and to g, and no variables in scope at those points, so quite simple: no defined-variables.

fn main() -> int {
    f() + g()
//  ^-^   ^-^- gc-point 2
//    \- gc-point 1

f is getting a bit more interesting. We have two gc-points, one when allocating the first Pt struct, the address of which we store in a, and the second when allocating the second Pt struct, address stored in b.

fn f() -> int {
    let a: *Pt = new Pt {1, 2};
            //   ^-----------^- gc-point 1
    let b: *Pt = new Pt {3, 4};
            //   ^-----------^- gc-point 2
    a->x + b->y

As we perform semantic analysis of the program we maintain a chain of scopes while traversing the AST. We can follow the evolution of our scope chain as we analyse function f.

                 ->           ->                ->          ->
  upon entering f   gc-point 1      bind a        gc-point 2       bind b
+----------------+             +----------------+            +----------------+
| f, g, main, Pt |             | f, g, main, Pt |            | f, g, main, Pt |
+----------------+             +----------------+            +----------------+
        |                              |                             |
        v                              v                             v
+----------------+             +----------------+            +----------------+
|                |             |       a        |            |    a     b     |
+----------------+             +----------------+            +----------------+

We can ignore the root scope which contains all the function, type and global variable definitions as these will not live on the stack. At gc-point 1 there are no defined-variables and at gc-point 2 only a has come into scope.

Also during semantic analysis, each variable is given an id to distinguish it from other variables of the same name but appearing in different scopes. This has the advantage of allowing later passes not to need to concern themselves with the scoping rules.

| symbol  | var_id |
| f       |      1 |
| g       |      2 |
| main    |      3 |
| a       |      4 |
| b       |      5 |
| c       |      6 |
| d       |      7 |

We can pass along our defined-variables by attaching an array of these variable IDs to the AST node. Were we to pretty print our AST, it might look like this:

        Init=New(Ctor=Symbol("Pt"), Args=[Int(1), Int(2)], DefinedVars=[])
        Init=New(Ctor=Symbol("Pt"), Args=[Int(3), Int(4)], DefinedVars=[4])
                                                                    #   ^
    Binop(PLUS, Member(Deref(VarRef("a")), "x"), Member(Deref(VarRef("b")), "y"))

When we lay out the activation record, we use the type information to create a pointer map for each variable in the frame.

| name  | size | alignment | id | offset | pointer map |
| a     |    8 |         8 |  4 |     -8 |  0b00...001 |
| b     |    8 |         8 |  5 |    -16 |  0b00...001 |

In our example here, a and b are simple single-word variables but it’s also possible to define structs that contain multiple pointers and to store those on the stack. For example, struct Node { value: int, left: *Node, right: *Node } would have a pointer map with least significant bits 0b110.

We delay generation of a frame map for each gc-point until we translate the AST into the IR (intermediate representation), this saves us needing to store the defined-vars on each CALL instruction in the IR but also saves the need for attaching the pointer map to the AST node. (It may also be possible to delay this further, until instruction selection).

The pointer maps for defined variables are combined together when translating the call / new expression to create a locals bitmap which describes local variables area of the frame i.e. which words of the frame contain live pointers when the gc-point is reached, marked with a 1 bit, and which words contain something else e.g. some integer value or junk from previous function invocations, marked with a 0 bit.

+----------------+                                  ·+
| return addr    |  8                                :
+----------------+                                   :
| saved FP       |  0
+----------------+                                   f
| space for a    | -8 <-------------+-----------+
+----------------+                  |           |    :
| space for b    | -16 <------------|+----------|+   :
+----------------+                  ||          ||  ·+
                                    ||          ||
                                    ||          ||
            locals bitmap:  0b00000000  0b00000010
                            gc-point 1  gc-point 2

We’ve elided it here but there may also be arguments passed on the stack. In such case, an arguments bitmap for the area north of the frame pointer will also be created.

During instruction selection we emit a label after each function call. In the final assembly it looks like the additions shown in the following snippet. (The lines prefixed with ‘+’). sl_alloc_des is our allocation function. Lret4 labels the mov instruction directly after the first call to sl_alloc_des and Lret5 the mov instruction directly after the second.

 	.globl	_f
 	.p2align	2
 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
 	mov	fp, sp
 	.cfi_def_cfa w29, 16
 	.cfi_offset w30, -8
 	.cfi_offset w29, -16
 	sub	sp, sp, #16
 	adrp	x0, L1@PAGE
 	add	x0, x0, L1@PAGEOFF
 	bl	_sl_alloc_des
 	mov	w1, #1
 	str	w1, [x0]
 	mov	w1, #2
 	str	w1, [x0, #4]
 	str	x0, [fp, #-8]
 	adrp	x0, L1@PAGE
 	add	x0, x0, L1@PAGEOFF
 	bl	_sl_alloc_des
 	mov	w1, #3
 	str	w1, [x0]
 	mov	w1, #4
 	str	w1, [x0, #4]
 	str	x0, [fp, #-16]
 	ldr	x0, [fp, #-8]
 	ldr	w1, [x0]
 	ldr	x0, [fp, #-16]
 	ldr	w0, [x0, #4]
 	add	w0, w1, w0

 	add	sp, sp, #16
 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #16

We store those labels along with the frame maps as fragments that get emitted after the code in the data segment.

The maps are linked together and given a well-known name for the GC to find. In the case of structlang, sl_rt_frame_maps. For f alone, this could look something like the following snippet of arm64 assembly. Here, fields related to spilled and callee-saved registers have been omitted. As briefly hinted before, I hope to come back to those in a future article.

	.section	__DATA,__const
	.p2align	3
	.quad	0	; previous
	.quad	Lret5	; return address - the key
	.short	2	; number of stack args + 2
	.short	2	; length of locals space
	.zero	4
	.quad	0	; arg bitmap
	.quad	2	; locals bitmap     ; 0b00000010 for gc-point 2
	.p2align	3
	.quad	Lptrmap0	; previous
	.quad	Lret4	; return address - the key
	.short	2	; number of stack args + 2
	.short	2	; length of locals space
	.zero	4
	.quad	0	; arg bitmap
	.quad	0	; locals bitmap     ; 0b00000000 for gc-point 1
	.globl	_sl_rt_frame_maps
	.p2align	3
	.quad	Lptrmap1

So what we can see is that adapting the compiler to produce code that supports garbage collection requires making adjustments at almost every stage of the compilation process.

        +-------+    +----------+    +--------+    +-----------+
        |       |    |          |    |        |    |           |
        | Parse | -> | Semantic | -> | Frame  | -> | Translate |--+
        |       |    | Analysis |    | Layout |    |   to IR   |  |
        +-------+    +----------+    +--------+    +-----------+  |
                      determine      per variable      combine    |
                   defined-variables   pointer        to frame    |
                                        maps            maps      |
          |  +-------------+    +------------+    +----------+
          |  |             |    |            |    |          |
          +->| Instruction | -> |  Register  | -> |   Emit   |
             |  Selection  |    | Allocation |    | Assembly |
             +-------------+    +------------+    +----------+

              label return            ;)           link frames
                addresses                          map in data